Happy Lunar New Year from your EWCA Executive Board!

Dear Alumni,

Welcome to 2024—a year poised to be full of adventure and challenges. Thank you to all who have worked to support the timeless mission of the East-West Center in 2023 and a hearty welcome to all new members who have recently joined the EWC Alumni ʻOhana. As our numbers increase, so will the impact of the East-West Center.

In 2024, the EWCA Executive Board is focusing its attention on strategies that strengthen the connection with and between our diverse alumni. Our priorities for the year are listed below. Please join us in making a difference in 2024. Have a question or a comment? We’d like to hear from you.

With fond aloha,

Karen Knudsen
EWCA President

“There is an exciting energy on the EWCA board this year with everyone pulling together to see how we can be of service to our alumni community and the current generation of EWC students.”

-Glenn van Zutphen, Vice President for Programs

“In an increasingly turbulent and ever more interconnected world, the mission and role of the East-West Center, and our commitment and engagement as alumni leaders, moves center stage.”

-Amanda Ellis, Immediate Past President

“We may be separated by oceans, but in the New Year I hope that our island of hope, belonging, and community at the EWC inspires us to lead in dialogue and partnership for transformative change.”

-Taine Duncan, Vice President for Participant Engagement

“Dear EWC Alumni, A Happy New Year to you all! 2023 was a year of wars, turmoil, and natural disasters, and the new year does not look any better. But despite all that, I hope it will be a good year for all our alumni and that the EWCA will be able to make it better for the world in a small way.”

-Shigeo Tonoike, Board Member

“We, the alumni of the East-West Center, have assimilated the spirit of the islands, where we all originally came together, and continue to hand-in-hand forge an indomitable spirit and legacy that is ours to share with the world for generations to come.”

-Carl Hefner, EWCA Hawaii Chapter Representative

What’s in store for 2024?

EWCA Strategic Plan Refresh

The Executive Board is currently working on a new EWCA Strategic Plan reflective of a dynamic and rapidly changing world while keeping our focus on the East-West Center mission. (Alumni input will be important) Interested in being a part of the process? Let us know by emailing alumni@eastwestcenter.org.

EWCA General Membership Meeting

The Second General Membership Meeting will be held in October or November. Last year we launched the first virtual EWCA General Membership Meeting allowing alumni from around the world to tune in from the comfort of their own homes— many staying up late to attend and others rising before the sun was up. Members virtually “met” the Executive Board and new EWC staff members. They received updates including an overview of EWCA’s refreshed Charter and By-laws. These will be brought to the membership for formal adoption at the next International Alumni Meeting. Deep appreciation to all who provided feedback.

Preparation for the 2025 International Alumni Conference

The venue and dates will soon be announced for the 2025 International Alumni Conference. Always popular with alumni, the conference provides opportunities to network with fellow alumni who share the same passion for cross-cultural understanding and meaningful dialogue. Previous conferences have been held in Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Bali, Tokyo, Hanoi, Okinawa, Seoul, Manila, Beijing, and Honolulu. We’ll keep you posted.

Warm wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2024!

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